MARC Conference


1A. Gamma Spectroscopy and PGAA with Holistic Non-Linear Least-Squares Fitting Part I
Sunday, March 23, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

A fundamentally-different and powerful method of gamma spectroscopic analysis and PGAA will be described and demonstrated. Unlike conventional methods that begin with a search for peaks, a single and self-consistent function is fitted to all of the data in the spectrum. The data are taken together as a single unit, using non-linear least-squares to find best fits for activities, calibrations, efficiencies, and attenuations. After a brief discussion of the mathematics of the method, a Windows program known as VRF that implements the method will be demonstrated with examples including in-situ uranium, radio-pharmaceutical contaminants, and prompt gamma neutron activation (PGAA), and more.

Organizers: G. Lasche, Snakedance Scientific; C. Cray, Cray Consulting

1B. Gamma Spectroscopy and PGAA with Holistic Non-Linear Least-Squares Fitting Part II
Sunday, March 23, 2025, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

All participants will be offered free introductory copy of VRF software, with on-line help topics, for practice after the workshop. Participants who already have VRF are encouraged to bring their laptops to follow along with live analysis of example spectra. In the afternoon session, participants we will demonstrate advanced features of VRF including decay chain analysis, peak summing corrections, thermal neutron capture for PGAA, charged-particle reactions, non-equilibrium Bateman calculations, isotopic ratios, compounds and mixtures, imported efficiencies, batch processing, simulated spectra, decay during acquisition, decay since collection, report generation, adding or editing gamma sources, “Significance MDA”, and more.

Organizers: G. Lasche, Snakedance Scientific; C. Cray, Cray Consulting

2. Radiation Detection, Measurement, and Nuclear Instrumentation
Sunday, March 23, 2025, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Join us for a workshop led by Mirion Technologies in collaboration with Pacific Northwest Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory tailored to highlight our collaboration and partnership and show our expertise in radiation detection, measurement, and nuclear instrumentation. Discover how our innovative solutions address various applications as we provide an overview of our latest developments and feature a range of custom detectors and standard products. The workshop begins with an in-depth look at Mirion Specialty Products, emphasizing custom detector developments for challenging applications. We will also share results from a Telescope detector and introduce a custom Clover Well detector currently under development in collaboration with Mirion Technologies and PNNL. Additionally, we will present Mirion Technologies latest software updates and innovations.

Organizers: Bruce Pierson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA, Matthew E. Gooden, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, and Mirion Technologies Team, USA